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Mind Matters | Easily agitated

Mind Matters | Easily agitated

I’m a 30-year-old woman and I have trouble managing my emotions. I get hurt easily and I tend to lash out and say mean things in response. I get angry often and that too at the drop of a hat. I want to control myself but I’m easily agitated. What can I do to manage my emotions better and not react to everything that happens in a negative way?  

Answered by Rishav Koirala, psychiatrist and researcher

Effectively managing emotions, especially when they tend to lead to impulsive reactions like hurtful comments and heightened anger, is a multifaceted endeavor. It starts with developing a deep sense of self-awareness, involving an honest examination of your emotions and their triggers. Keeping a journal to track these triggers can provide valuable insights. Practicing deep breathing and mindfulness techniques can help you stay grounded in the present and mitigate the physiological effects of strong emotions. Additionally, employing a pause, such as counting to ten, before responding to emotional triggers can prevent impulsive reactions.

Identifying and challenging negative thought patterns, possibly with the assistance of cognitive behavioral therapy, is pivotal in changing the way you interpret and respond to situations. Seeking professional help, especially if these emotional challenges significantly affect your life and relationships, can provide you with specialized strategies and support. Healthy outlets like physical activities, creative expressions, and learning conflict resolution skills are vital tools in managing emotions constructively. Cultivating empathy and understanding for others’ perspectives, coupled with positive coping mechanisms and patience with yourself during the learning process, can contribute to more effective emotional management and a healthier outlook in life.

Treatment options may include a combination of psychotherapy, such as Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) or Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), which can equip you with better emotional control and coping strategies. You might also need to be on medication if there is an underlying mood or anxiety disorder contributing to your emotional struggles.

Additionally, I would recommend establishing a holistic approach to emotional well-being, which may include lifestyle modifications such as regular exercise, a balanced diet, and stress management techniques. Developing a support network and learning communication and conflict resolution skills can further enhance emotional regulation.

Ultimately, my goal as a psychiatrist would be to work collaboratively with you to create a personalized treatment plan that addresses the root causes of your emotional challenges and helps you achieve better emotional control and well-being.


