Democratic Socialist Party (DSP) Chairman Mahantha Thakur has said the Madhes agendas are not watered down, but relevant and vibrant.
Addressing the extended meeting of DSP Province Committee at Bardibas on Monday, Chairman Thakur reminded that the party would reach the agendas of the party establishment time to the people again. "Some of the political agendas we raised were established based on movement. However, the suppression from the state is continuous," he reminded, adding that the party cadres are still facing false charges over the Madhes movement.
He urged the party leaders and cadres to reach every doorstep of the people and make them aware about achievements of the Madhes movement and active for further rights.
Top leaders Rajendra Mahato, Sharad Singh Bhandari and Anil Kumar Jha among others were present in the meeting.
Province committee Chairman Jitendra Sonal said that the objective of the extended meeting of the party's Madhes province committee is to set further agendas and strategies in Madhesh. "We move ahead by meticulously analyzing the performance of the party. The weaknesses would be identified and measures for solution sought to take ahead the Madhesh movement," he shared.
He further claimed that the party would reach the people along with Madhesh agendas again.
Before the election to the first constituency assembly in 2064 BS, the leaders from Madhes left the mainstream parties and formed Tarai/Madhesh Loktantrik Party based on the foundation of the Madhes movement.
Those to join the bandwagon were leader Thakur, Mahendra Ray Yadav, Sarvendra Nath Shukla, and Brishesh Chandra Lal, among others. But the party then witnessed a series of splits and mergers and arrived at this stage.
Currently, the party is engrossed in expanding organizational base at local level.