10 questions to PM Dahal

On Tuesday, Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal stood before the Parliament to answer a slew of questions from parliamentarians. 

The topics raised in the Q & A session included transitional justice, government action against corruption, good governance, farm reforms and education for all. 

In all, Dahal responded to more than a dozen questions coming from cross-party lawmakers. Out of them, we have selected top 10 questions and responses from PM Dahal.

Ek Nath Dhakal: Isn’t it your duty to meet Gangamaya Adhikari, who has been on a hunger strike for years seeking justice?

The Truth and Reconciliation Commission has been formed for the administration of transitional justice in order to deal judicially with the incidents during the conflict and the government is committed to the administration of transitional justice as soon as possible. Regarding Gangamaya Adhikari, under the prevailing legal system, the government is providing humanitarian services and protection to her. The government, to date, has provided Rs 3.74m for her treatment.

Asim Shah: The opening of corruption files was just to keep other parties in size. Is the stunt over now?

Good governance has been a priority since the formation of the government and because of that, we have succeeded in eradicating the hatred of the people toward the political system.

The public has also started to believe that our good governance was possible because of the unbiased investigations. No guilty should escape and no innocent should suffer. Not only my party members but even if the prime minister is found guilty in the investigation, there is no need to leave him out of the radar. All those involved in corruption will be prosecuted on the basis of facts and evidence.

Rishikesh Pokharel: The progress status of most of the national pride projects is worrisome...

I am regularly taking progress reports of national pride projects. Necessary budget has also been allocated for the timely completion of these projects. Two of the national pride projects have been completed and the work progress of 14 has reached 80 percent. The progress of five projects is 50 to 80 percent and the progress of two projects is 50 percent. The government is making efforts to complete these projects as soon as possible.

Ishwari Devi Neupane: Will your speech about turning Nepal to a caste state help in establishing social harmony?

The expressions that disrupt social harmony will not be tolerated under any circumstances. The government is determined to prevent any kind of action that disturbs social unity, harmony and social coexistence that has been maintained since time immemorial.

Nepal being a multiracial and multicultural nation, people of different castes, races, religions and cultures have been living together with mutual cooperation, respect and deep harmony since centuries. Unity in diversity is our uniqueness and also the basic character of Nepali society. By maintaining the coexistence of all, protecting and promoting originality, our national unity will be sustainable and strong.

Aain Bahadur Shahi: During your visit to China, is there any plan to discuss the opening of Namche Langa border?

During my upcoming visit to China, there will be talks about opening a new trade channel. It is almost certain that there will be a talk about opening the Namche Langa crossing in Mugu. The government will give priority to the development of tourist areas including Rara.

Asha BK: Caste-based discrimination and untouchability is still there in the society and violence is still occuring in various parts of the country, what is your take on it ? 

Nepal’s constitution 2015 has ensured rights against untouchability and discrimination as a fundamental rights of every citizen. So the government is committed to ending such discrimination and taking action against those who are involved in such crimes.

Urmila Majhi: Nepal is known as an agricultural country but our productivity is going down and people are not interested to be involved in the agriculture sector. What is the government’s plan to motivate the farmers?

To achieve a sustainable independent economy, the government has put a high priority on qualitative and reformative agriculture. Government has given high-priority to mechanization, modernization and commercialization to improve agricultural productivity.  The government has allocated the sufficient resources for agriculture.

Asthma Chaudhary: The number of eye patients rising across the country, what is the government’s plant to control this epidemic?  

Government has launched a nation-wide campaign to control conjunctivitis.  Similarly, several initiatives have been launched at the local level in order to create awareness in the local level.

Urmila Thebe: Government has adopted the policy of free-education but everywhere the cost of education is increasing, but the government is still hesitant to table a bill on education which aims to address those issues.

Government is fully committed to provide a free and affordable education to all. As stated in the constitution, the government has made necessary arrangements to provide free education to all secondary-level students. Similarly, local governments are investing in the education sector.

Ishwari Gharti: Rolpa district was the base of the 10-year long insurgency but the government under your leadership has not taken any initiative to improve the people’s livelihood, what is your plan for the future? 

There is do doubt that Rolpa has played a historic role in all political movements of Nepal. In every historical juncture, we appreciate the contribution made by the people.  I have been giving high-priority for the social and other development of Rolpa district.

Interpretative declaration should be implemented: PM Dahal

Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal has said that interpretative declarations adopted by Parliament while endorsing the grant under Millennium Challenge Corporation should be implemented.

Speaking at a public program on Tuesday, the head of the government said that he would inquire with the senior MCC officials whether the US is ready to make the declarative interpretation as part of MCC compact.

Dahal further added “If something wrong happens in declarative interpretation, the key base to go to the street will be interpretative declaration.”  The interpretative declaration is the property of the Parliament and there are doubts whether it will be implemented, PM Dahal said. He further added that interpretative declaration is a valid document under international law.