The Ministry of Forest and Environment (MoFE) has started the preparations for the 28th UNFCCC Conference of Parties (COP 28), being held from Nov 30 to Dec 12 in Dubai.
We have ample time to prepare our national agendas for the summit. We are yet to discuss our issues with the COP 28 Presidency and UNFCCC secretariat and as of now, we have not set our priorities and agendas. But we will consult with various national and international stakeholders working on climate issues to set our priorities for the climate conference.
Every year, we plan to review and update previous years’ agendas and align them with the current circumstances. Our focus will encompass climate finance, mitigation, adaptation, and loss and damage (L&D). One notable addition this time will be the Global Stocktake, designed to evaluate collective progress toward achieving the purpose of the Paris Agreement and its long-term objectives.
The author is chief of Climate Change Management Division at Ministry of Forest and Environment