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Allegations fabricated

Allegations fabricated

Charges leveled against me (vis-a-vis the 100-kg gold smuggling case) are totally false and fabricated. What’s the motive? I see things from two perspectives. First, whenever some big scandal happens, our police and political system face pressure to identify the main culprit immediately. Buckling under pressure, they fabricate a character.

Second, all this is meant to divert public attention and protect the main culprit. There’s another baffling thing in this case. It is cheaper and more profitable to purchase brake shoes produced in India in the same country. No trader can make profit by importing brake shoes from Hong Kong via air. Our customs officials don’t even know a basic thing?

The government has formed a panel to probe the case. It should identify the main culprit through a proper and impartial investigation; it should expose the nexus involved. Linking a businessperson in this case is a character assassination attempt. 
