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Justice for child soldiers

Justice for child soldiers

The use of child soldiers during the Maoist insurgency is an essential component of the transitional justice process. But the law has left it out so far.

As a relevant law is under discussion in the parliament, we can still incorporate this issue and other transitional justice-related issues to take the peace process to its logical conclusion in a true sense. 

This issue has already entered the court, with a writ petition registered. Hopefully, it will get the attention of all concerned parties.

Skirting the issue of child soldiers will invite serious socio-political complications and impact the transitional justice process. So, policymakers must keep their eyes open and address it without further delay.

We held a discussion on the matter and concluded that it must be treated as an issue of utmost importance as the use of children in any kind of war is a serious violation of human rights.

The author is a political analyst 

