Hence, there will be no shortage of fertilizer during paddy cultivation this year as more fertilizer will arrive in the first week of Shrawan. In the 10 months of the current year 2079/80, 100,000 metric tons of chemical fertilizers have been received at the Regional Office of the Agricultural Inputs Company, Birgunj Parsa.
"Until now, 170,000 metric tons of urea and DAP fertilizers have arrived, 50,000 metric tons of fertilizers are in the process of arriving and 40,000 metric tons of fertilizer is in the process of being approved," said Chamlagain. The demand for chemical fertilizers is high in Asar, Shrawan and Bhadra, the main season of paddy cultivation. Although the supply is not as per the demand, more fertilizer has been received in the current fiscal year 2079/80 compared to the previous year 2078/79.