Games and sports keep one physically and mentally fit. They keep one away from diseases relating to heart, obesity, mental stress and sleeplessness. They instill in the player a spirit of self-confidence, self-reliance, discipline, justice, fair play and patriotism. Games provide us with recreation and enjoyment. It enhances our social skills by teaching us to maneuver different social situations by using a set of skills. It increases the circulation of blood, boosts metabolism, burns calories and improves respiration and digestion. They develop so many good traits in students. They enable people to follow other virtues like discipline, honesty, integrity, loyalty and patriotism.
Games are an important part of our life. Schools should give equal importance to games and studies. No doubt, by doing hard work in their studies, they shall get what they want to achieve but at the cost of their health. What's the use of wealth, if there is no health to enjoy that? Today we see children with different health problems. Many of the children are suffering from obesity. This is because of the passive lifestyle the students have adopted. Students should bring balance between their studies and games. Even short games have an important place in life. IN order to get maximum benefit from them, they must be played properly. There should be a balance between games and studies. It is important to note that devoting all time to games at the expense of studies is also not good.
Games are very essential for students, IN our schools, however, games and sports are not given much importance. A period of half an hour or forty five minutes should be dedicated to games every day in schools. Some schools dedicate this timing for games once a week only. Children find it difficult to pursue a game in the specified period. Some schools cannot afford funds for sports equipment. Similarly, some schools do not have a playground. Many schools do not employ any physical instructor to guide the children in various games. Even parents want their children to complete their home assignments after school hours rather than play games. They fail to realize that games make children strong both mentally and physically.
It is a known fact that a sound mind is the result of a sound body. A person who plays games shows better focus on books than the one who spends an entire day just reading books and doing no other activities. The fact is that academics without any inclusion of games and physical activities are incomplete. The education system needs to be reformed, and equal importance needs to be given to sports and games.
Bidisha Shrestha Grade: 9 Campion School, Lagankhel