Pricing is a matter of strategy. Decisions related to pricing affect cash flows and margins much more rapidly than any other marketing decisions. But this factor has not been considered in Nepal.
Distributive options for export marketing are: establishment of distribution and sales offices abroad, appointment of distributors and agents, direct sale to importers and members at the bottom of the distribution channel such as department store, chain store or boutique, and end users. This mostly happens in tender business. Selection of an appropriate agent requires a good deal of homework. Model agency profiles must assess character, capacity and capital. Points to be considered while selecting agents are the size of the agency firm, desirable outlets, complementary product life, specialized sales staff, location, marketing facilities, identification process, selection process, details regarding the firm, details regarding business conducted, references of agency firms, and selection of the relationship between the parties and the products. But this aspect is lacking in Nepal. One of the considerations in channel selection is its impact on final costs. Under the Bangkok agreement negotiated under the UN’s ESCAP, the import of specialized items are allowed in the participating countries at over MFN rates. In addition to the customs duties normally chargeable , there are two special duties that a government of the importing country can impose under specific situations. These are the anti-dumping duties and the countervailing duty. Anti-dumping duties are imposed when governments of importing countries can prove that foreign exporters are selling their products at less than fair prices, which are causing damage to competing firms. Countervailing duties, on the other hand, can be payable if it can be proved that respective governments are subsidizing exports, enabling the firms to lower their prices. Some forms of export subsidy are not allowed under the GATT (WTO) system. But this knowledge is lacking in Nepal even though we have some acts to govern the system. Some countries have a twin system of import control: one control through import licensing and the other through foreign exchange authorization. Import deposit scheme is also practiced by some governments. Some quotas are extensively used both in developed and developing countries' markets. Quotas are administered through the import licensing system. Among the various types of quotas, some of the important ones are import control regime and non-tariff barriers. These include standard regulations, administrative measures which make imports difficult, health and sanitary regulations. Different countries have different systems for assessing the duty payable on imports. GATT (WTO) has tried to bring uniformity in customs valuation procedures through what is known as the customs valuation code. Consumer product features are: color preferences, pack sizes, styling, features, material used, usage conditions, use preferences. In packaging for consumer goods, color preferences preferred, container form, preferred material for packaging, preference for reusable, container packaging requirements for channel members, packaging, requirements in terms of product needs, protective needs should be considered. Packaging requirements for shipping cover mode of transport, port handling charges, storage conditions in material and bonded warehouses. Legal requirements for product cover labeling requirements, band on the use of specific use of input and mandatory safety regulations. Marketing strategies formulation covers buyer's profile on the basis of demographic, psycho-graphic, location-wise clusters, preferred purchase outlets, purchase decisions, the country image in the buyer's perception. Competition arrangements cover main competitors, production-related competitive profile in terms of product quality, price, delivery and services and identification of market segments. Marketing channel covers the areas related to the channel available, channel being used by dominant suppliers, accessibility to the desired channel, cost of entering channel and needs of channel members. Physical distribution includes mode of transportation required, cost of transportation, packaging requirement and warehousing needs. Pricing and payment terms cover prevailing prices, normal quotation terms, preferential invoicing currency, normal payment terms and normal credit period allowed. Under promotion, media available and costs of media used by dominant suppliers should be taken into account. Product supply profile includes product description, standards used abroad, capability to conform to international standards, major producing countries, market centers, estimated production, major buyers and others. Government policy includes status under export policy, cash compensatory support, duty and duty drawback, requirements in payment terms, letter of credit, if any. Besides these, export tricks and techniques can be learned from the other country's export promotion experience. The author is former Deputy Executive Director of Trade and Export Promotion Center