Aryan-Mongolian amity, enmity in focus

The word ‘Swasthani’ is a combination of swa, sthana and i. In short ‘swa’ means one’s self; ‘sthana’ means location, mainly spatial and sometimes temporal or even contextual; and the suffix ‘i’ here converts a word into feminine form. Looking at the name of the book, Swasthani is addressed as ‘Sri’, a polite form of addressing an individual. ‘Sri’ has multiple meanings, including the supreme consciousness, the goddess of prosperity and wealth. The Vedas consider ‘Sri’ as Goddess Parvati, the consort of Lord Shiva. It is interesting that Goddess Parvati herself worshiped and pleased Sri Swasthani to get married to Mahadeva (Lord Shiva). The Vratakatha cites this phenomenon many times to convince the sufferers that their salvages lie in the vratas and worships dedicated to Sri Swasthani. Aryan-Mongoloid interactions The Aryans are believed to have developed Sanatana dharma, the righteous way of life, long before entering Bharatavarsha. But legends indicate that they confronted the Mongoloids, and after some interactions they recognized Shiva as Mahadeva, one of the major Trios of the Godhead. Two clues hint at Shiva being a Mongoloid. Firstly, Shiva is worshiped as Kiranteshwar Mahadeva, Kirants being a Mongoloid ethnic group. Second, the abode of Shiva is in Mount Kailash, an area from where some Mongoloids are believed to have come to Nepal. Historically, from the southern flanks of the snow-capped mountain ranges—the Hindu Kush to the Himalayas—formed interfaces where the Aryans met the Mongoloids. This is demonstrated by Dakshaprajapati’s objection to marrying off eldest daughter Satidevi to Mahadeva (Lord Shiva) as Shiva was ‘far inferior’ to other deities his daughters were married to.

Not only social interactions but also deep acceptance of each other had developed between the Aryans and the Mongoloids. There was deep friendship between the Aryan Vishnu and the Mongoloid Shiva (Mahadeva). Desirous of marrying Satidevi but being rejected by her father Daksha, Mahadeva visits Vishnu’s abode (Baikuntha) and asks the latter to act as a matchmaker. Vishnu  promptly visits Daksha.

Vishnu says he has come to beg for something, and he would express his desire only if the host promised to fulfill it. After Daksha’s affirmation, Vishnu expresses intent to marry Satidevi. Daksha unwillingly gives his nod, asking  Vishnu  to come with his kin and well-wishers on an auspicious day, and take Satidevi as his bride. Vishnu informs Mahadeva that the mission may succeed, although he himself had to ask for Satidevi’s hand. Vishnu instructs  Mahadeva to appear as an old hermit at the time of Kanyadana (gifting of the girl), ask for alms and threaten to curse both the giver and the receiver if Kanyadana is proceeded without giving him alms. Vishnu would then explain the auspicious moment of Kanyadana would end soon and ask Mahadeva not to spell a curse, offer the alms after the Kanyadana and invite the latter to sit with him. At that very moment, Vishnu would play a trick and make Daksha put Satidevi’s hand into Mahadeva’s. Delighted, Mahadeva follows Vishnu’s words. The plan succeeds. Daksha gets angry but relents. Satidevi unhappily accepts Mahadeva in the guise of an old hermit as husband and follows him to Kailash. When Satidevi finds out that her hubby is one of the Trios of the Godhead, she begins to spend a happy conjugal life. Meanwhile, Dakshya is still angry with Mahadeva. One day, Satidevi sees her sisters accompanied by their hubbies flying in the sky and asks Mahadeva where those deities were going. Mahadeva tells her to ignore it all. Narada the great sage visits them and informs about Daksha’s Yagya where Deities, Yakshas, Gandharvas, Kinnaras, Daityas, Daanavas, Rishis like Vashishtha and Prabhriti, Naagas, Apsara and Dashadikpaalas were invited with their spouses. Narad wants to know why the couple were not invited, though they deserved to be at the Yagya. Satidevi, accompanied by Narada, rushes to her maternal home, pays respect to her parents and seeks to know why they had snubbed her and her hubby. As Daksha insults Mahadeva with words, Satidevi jumps into Yagyakund (where ritual fire is burning) and kills herself. Narada reports the tragedy to Mahadeva. This leads to a war between Mongoloid and Aryan armies. Death and destruction at the war and Mahadev’s sorrow over the death of his consort make for an epic that is a class apart.