Dil Kumari was of the opinion of sorting out the citizenship issues soon while Deepak Prakash Bhatta called for an end to anomalies in the education sector.
Narayan Prasad Khatiwada drew the government’s attention towards expediting road developments projects including the Pasang Lhamu Highway based in different locations in the country. Parbati Kumari Bishankhe demanded the implementation of a full proportional system in the voting of the HoR and PA elections scheduled for upcoming November 20. Prem Suwal apprised the session that Tribhuvan University was locked for 300 days in the past three years, drawing the government’s attention towards the addressing the problem. He also demanded prorogation of the parliament in aftermath of the election announcement. Dr Bijay Subha drew the government’s attention to taking efforts for reviving the Sajha Publication while Dr Pushpa Kumari Karna Kayastha, Parbata DC Chaudhary, Nawaraj Silwal, Dal Bahadur Rana, and Dibyamani Rajbhandari sought the government’s attention towards several contemporary issues including the control of price rise and corruption.