Light to moderate rain with thunderstorms likely today

The weather will be partly to generally cloudy across the country today with chances of light to moderate rainfall accompanied by thunderstorms. According to the Department of Hydrology and Meteorology, light to moderate rainfall accompanied by thunderstorms and lightning is likely to occur at some places of Lumbini and Karnali Provinces and at a few places of the remaining provinces. Issuing a 24-hour bulletin, the Department requested the people to adopt precautions as heavy rainfall with thunderstorms and lightning has been predicted at one or two places of Gandaki Province which is likely to cause soil erosion, landslide, and increase in water level in rivulets and rivers and will also affect the daily life and transport services.

The weather across the country will remain partly to generally cloudy tonight with the possibility of light to moderate rainfall with thunderstorms and lightning at a few places of Province 1, Madhes and Sudurpaschim Provinces and at one or two places of the remaining provinces.

Weather on Friday Similarly, Gandaki, Lumbini, Karnali and Sudurpaschim provinces will witness generally cloudy weather while the sky in other provinces will remain partly cloudy on Friday. Light to moderate rainfall is likely to take place at some places of Gandaki, Lumbini, Karnali and Sudurpaschim Provinces and in a few places of the remaining provinces on Friday. According to the Meteorological Forecasting Division, there is a possibility of heavy rain with thunderstorms and lightning at one or two places in Gandaki and Lumbini Provinces. As per the latest details of the Division, today's minimum temperature of the Kathmandu Valley is recorded at 21.6 degree Celsius and maximum temperature at 30.2 degree Celsius.