Transport entrepreneurs urge government to revise fuel prices

Transport entrepreneurs have demanded the government adjust the prices of petroleum products in the domestic market as per its falling prices in the international market.

Issuing a press statement today, Federation of Nepali National Transport Entrepreneurs-FNNTE reminded that the Indian Oil Corporation (IOC), the supplier of petro products to Nepal, has lately reduced the prices twice while the Nepal Oil Corporation (NOC) has not revised the price list in line with its supplier.

"The public transport sector which has greatly suffered an economic loss due to COVID-19 pandemic has to clamor for the adjustment of fuel prices instead of getting a relief for the loss," the press release adds.

Federation Chair Bijay Bahadur Swanr said transport entrepreneurs are largely affected by the unexceptional rise in motor vehicle tax, bank interest, route permit charge, vehicle-test insurance and motor engines. The prices should be quickly revised as per the international market.

As the Federation said, 60 percent discount facility in tax, route permit, and vehicle-test that transport entrepreneurs were getting for providing concession for students, people with disabilities and senior citizens has been presently suspended and it should be resumed.