Election becoming challenging for working class and revolutionary forces: Dahal

CPN (Maoist Center) Chairman Pushpa Kamal Dahal has said that working class people and revolutionary forces are finding it hard to secure their positions in public posts due to the existing electoral system.

He said that it has been challenging to win the elections for a section of people as the existing electoral system has turned extravagant.

Referring to a report that the local rural municipality chairman spent Rs 100 million to win the election, he said, "It may cost billions of rupees to win the federal election."

In his address to a program organized at the party central office in Parisdanda today on the memorial day of founding leader of Communist Party of Nepal Nara Bahadur Karmacharya, the former Prime Minister said that corruption is being institutionalized because of the existing electoral system and the form of the governance.

"Though the Constitution has institutionalized the federal democratic republic, some forces are intending to weaken it and stand against it," he said.

He said money power and the use of unethical tricks are being dominant in the elections.  

Dahal further said that the party has proceeded with the unification process with those forces having similar ideologies.

The Maoist Center Chair also urged party leaders and cadres to dedicate their time to informing people about pro-people activities undertaken by the incumbent government. 

He insisted on working with a vision, ideologies and plans to consolidate the party presence in the days ahead and was of the view of proving the party a revolutionary touch in practice.

Admitting that the party was marred by several sorts of intra-party deviations, he stressed the need of fighting against such culture.    

The leader recalled Karmacharya as the personality with simplicity, openness, revolutionary zeal and dedication.

On the occasion, party senior leader Narayan Kaji Shrestha stressed on the need of following the path shown by Karmarchaya who, as he described, was the person with ideology, principles and visions.