Attorney General Khamma Bahadur Khati has insisted on cooperation among judicial bodies.
While inaugurating a newly constructed building of the District Government Attorney Office of Chitwan, here today, he said cooperation and support among judicial offices were vital to see a robust justice delivery system.
He said a lack of coordination among the attorney offices, police, and court would cause problems in executing justice. As he said, people’s faith on judiciary has been declining and it must be prevented.
He was of the view that none (survivors) should be denied of justice upon their request for the same. “Weak investigations will have its implications on the entire justice-delivery process.”
The Attorney General admitted lack of required human resources in district attorney offices has hampered the government efforts to ensure prompt justice to the people. The proportion of judge to government attorneys at present is 1:2.
On the occasion, deputy attorney general Krishna Jeevi Ghimire said they are working on a plan to address the issues of human resources crunch while district judge Hemant Rawal said a hostile statement is one the challenges judiciary is facing in course of executing justices and said it happens when survivor is or feels unsafe to demand justice. He was of the view of ensuring safety of survivors and protecting required evidences to see an effective judiciary.
The foundation stone of the building was laid on January 28, 2020 and it cost Rs 49.87 million to complete the project. The three storey-building spreads on 10 kattha of land (one kattha is equivalent to 3645 sq.ft) at Bharatpur metropolis-10.