Special Event: Saluting our heroes

We had picked 50 eminent personalities from different walks of life as a part of ‘My Vision for Nepal’, the signature initiative of The Annapurna Express. Over the past one year, each week, we featured one such vision. We wanted to get a glimpse of how these luminaries of our society imagine their country. The list of 50 visions has now been compiled in a coffee-table book.

In keeping with the spirit of constant innovation ApEx has championed over the years, it now brings to you ‘ApEx Pioneers’. This feature honors another 50 personalities—one each week—who have revolutionized their fields and helped change Nepal for the better.

Who are our pioneers in business, bureaucracy, entertainment and politics? And who has done pioneering work in agriculture, linguistics and aviation? We try to cover a broad swath of national life. What, really, makes these pioneers tick and what can we learn from them?  

To honor the contribution of these 100 outstanding personalities, the Annapurna Express is organizing an event—Saluté—at Hotel Yak & Yeti on 23 May 2022. The 50 visionaries will be presented with medals of honor while we also welcome a new roster of 50 pioneers.