Labour Day being marked today

The International Labour Day is being marked today by organising various programmes by different labour unions and workers, recalling the victory of labourers for their demand for eight-hours of works and legal rights.

On this occasion, trade unions and labour fraternities are conducting different programmes.

The Nepal Trade Union Congress this morning organised a rally in the Capital City. Started from Bhrikutimandap, the rally is to converge into an assembly by reaching at Bhaktapur Buspark from Sahid Gate, New Road Gate and Ratna Park.

Likewise, General Federation of Nepalese Trade Unions is scheduled to organise an assembly in Bhrikutimandap this afternoon.

Furthermore, Joint Trade Union Coordination Center (JTUCC), which is a joint union of over a dozen trade unions active in Nepal, is marking this day by organising a grand rally this afternoon in the Capital City.