EC recommends government to give public holiday on May 13

The Election Commission (EC) has decided to write to all local levels through the Ministry of Federal Affairs and General Administration seeking approval for use of the physical infrastructures and their premises from May 11-13 for the voting purpose during the time of the local level elections.

The physical infrastructures include public schools, ward offices, health posts and others.

At a news conference on Thursday, the EC said it had decided to write to the federal government through the Chief Secretary to make arrangements for teaching students in an alternative way as the schools with voting centres and polling stations there should be used for three days from May 11-13 for running voting and election-related managerial tasks.

Issuing a statement, Surya Prasad Aryal, spokesperson at the Election Commission, said that the Chief Secretary would write a letter to the government seeking a nationwide public holiday on May 13 on the day of the local level elections.

Likewise, the EC said a total of 153,002 candidates had filed their nominations in different posts in the local level elections as per the data entry made till 3:30 pm Thursday.

It is said 3,510 nominations were received for mayor, 3,387 for chairperson, 2,168 for deputy mayor and 2,401 for vice-chair.

Likewise, 35,353 nominations were filed for the post of ward chair.

Till Thursday, the EC said more than 17.77 million ballot papers for 72 districts have been printed and 5.18 million ballot papers for 33 districts have been transported.