My Vision for Nepal | End the politicization of vital sectors

End the politicization of vital sectors

Three ways to realize the vision: 

1) Bring a generational shift in our political leadership.
2) Appoint the right person in the right place.
3) Adopt a more hands-on, practical education system.

My Vision for Nepal

A country can run well only if all its major sectors work in tandem. For this, they have to nurture the values of selflessness and cooperation. Our legal bodies, bureaucracy and education sector have all fallen prey to politicization. These are major forces that drive the nation. But in Nepal, they are all driven by politics. They are divided into various political factions and do not work in public interest.  

As a nation we seem trapped in an interminable transition. Our hopes and dreams for better times have been repeatedly dashed by the failures of our political leaders.  

It is high time that the current crop of leaders retired and made way for a new generation of politicians who can take the country forward. We need a generational shift in leadership to realize our dreams and aspirations.

We need smart and educated individuals to guide this country. If you are not educated on a particular subject, you won’t know how things work in that field. The same goes for our leaders. Most of our ministers have zero knowledge of the functional areas of the ministries they lead. How can they then do their jobs well? 

Maybe we don’t need politicians but experts to run this nation. For example, an economist should lead the Ministry of Finance.

I wish for a system where people can directly elect executive-level officials. We should change our electoral system and the way political parties elect their leadership. Under our current system, the same people are getting elected to run their parties as well as the country as though there are no other deserving candidates. To break this traditional power structure, youth members and sister organizations of political parties should act. They should realize that their inaction will have serious repercussions for the country.  

We spend billions of rupees on elections only to see the same-old faces to return to power, again and again and again. They come with the promise of growth, progress and better service-delivery. But has that ever happened? Our leadership’s repeated failure and incompetence should make us rethink if we are following the right system. Development is not possible if we are caught in a wrong system. 

Also read: Nikita Acharya: To establish an entrepreneur-friendly nation

Our old political leaders have time and again proven that they are incapable of improving. That’s why we need major changes in our political party organizations and the way their leaders are elected. 

In today’s day and age, geopolitics also matters a lot for a nation’s growth and development. As Nepal is wedged between India and China, two giant of neighbors, it is imperative that we balance our diplomatic ties. We must maintain a win-win relationship with two of the fastest growing countries in the world. It would do Nepal a world of good to develop strong relations with India and China both at government’s and people’s levels.

The other reason Nepal lags behind is brain drain and labor migration. Nepal is a young country. It needs its youths in nation-building. But lack of jobs at home is driving them abroad. Our leaders have failed to build a youth-friendly nation. 

We don’t want our young population migrating to or toiling in foreign countries while our own country stagnates. The brain drain must be stemmed by creating jobs and business opportunities within Nepal.

Quality of education is another important factor that determines the country’s state. Our schools and colleges still promote rote learning rather than the knowledge on respective subjects, largely because of our flawed curriculum and teaching methods.

There should be a hands-on practical approach to teaching and learning. Students should be taught to solve problems and develop critical faculties rather than just memorizing passages from textbooks to pass their tests. We should also incorporate technology and digital tools to improve the efficiency and productivity of our education system.

It is unfortunate that many teachers in our country are political activists. We don’t have teachers who are true professionals and passionate about their job. 

Nepal needs teachers and professors who can inspire young minds, who can teach values about various aspects of life, society, politics and finance. If we have competent teachers, half the country’s problems will be solved. 

Dr Sanduk Ruit

Quick Questions:

1. What would you be if you were not a doctor?

I would perhaps be helping my father run a small business back in my village.

2. What is happiness for you?

Happiness for me is all about having good health and a caring family.

3. One book that has inspired you the most.

‘Mandela’ by Nelson Mandela.