Under "Quick Impact Project" , My Radio School: My Future Program was designed for increasing the educational continuity of girls despite COVID-19 and decreasing the risk of school drop outs, early marriages and other types of negative harmful practices. Therefore, beneficiaries of this project: girls from grade 6 (Age10) to grade 10 (Age 16) got the opportunity to listen “Math-Science (MS) and life skills/soft skills focused radio lessons including professional career counselling (episodes/interviews), and radio jingles on social evils or negative practices, i.e. child labor, early marriage, gender based violence, reproductive health and hygiene, etc. 60 targetted groups (9 girls and 1 boy in each group) selected and mobilized to motivate the peers regarding gender responsive school education and educational continuity. It is found that girls' drop out rate is high because of the far distance from home to schools, low learning competency to catch up the normal lessons ( technical subjects) and lacking remedial lessons on them, deep-rooted harmful practices, early marriages, lack of safety/WASH materials at schools,improper safeguarding mechanism along with domestic chores and violences, no availability of ICT devices, insufficient counseling in schools and homes regarding career, study, SGBV and negative effects of school drop outs. Community schools of remote area do not have any access of other means of learning except radio education. Poor households were more likely to take place the child labor and early marriage because of lower household expenditures.
COVID-19, had significantly disrupted every aspects of human life, including education. The alarming spread of the virus caused a havoc in the educational system forcing educational institutions to shut down. As distance and online education was dependent on technological facilities, including internet and Wi-Fi, the discrepancies that existed in their availability were widening the gaps in access and quality of education. The situation indicated that the pandemic has had serious impacts on students’ learning and well-being, and it was widening the already existing GESI gaps between advantaged and disadvantaged boys and girls in their equitable access to quality education. Selected schools of QIP: Okhaldhunga, Taplejung, Khotang, Sindhuli, Rupandehi, Bajhang were public schools where poor, vulnerable and excluded group of students often read and write. Schools did not have any other options of online education. Students were at homes doing domestic chores. Teachers were also waiting for the technical support. Schools did not have the internet facilities for online education and students also did not have the appropriate ICT devices to continue their education. Many studies were already had proved the high chances of school drop outs, SGBV case increament, child labor, losing interest on study and low education quality because of COVID-19 and regular education disruption.
In this context, REED conducted the baseline survey in December, 2020. Based on study, many girls (94.4%) wanted to go schools but was not possible because of movement restrictions and safety reasons. Many girls (2.42%) were at the risk of drop outs out of 600 children. 71.1% children out of 600 children did not have the access of an alternative mode of learning and radio was the only the option to that vulnerable group of children. Parents (74.6%) found supportive if radio education and radio station managers also (86%) said radio was only the option for targeted areas. 36.7% of principals were not sure about the equal participation of boys and girls in the classrooms of schools. 71.4% of children did not have the any participation in life skill programs including of sexual and reproductive health issues that they were not aware of such lessons/issues which are crucial for adolescent girls/boys. 14 out of 60 schools (23.3%) do not have gender-friendly or separate toilets , water & handwashing facilities in schools for girls and vulnerable groups. 10.5% of girls do not attend schools during menstruation and more than fifty percent i.e 53.23% of girls did not come to schools at the times of menstruation due to shyness and uneasiness. 58.4% of female parents of girls/boys responded that there was no equal payment to males and females in the community resulting discrimination on equal pay for equal work.
Further, during "Quick Impact Project" implementation, it has been observed that educational opportunities (avialiability of ICT devices, reading time, workload at home, etc) have been unequally distributed across girls and boys that have been exacerbated by the pandemic. Many female parents found illiterate in remote areas caused much domestic workload to daughters found high, and very little technological infrastuctures at schools hindering the quality learning of children in QIP targeted areas. Girls found the victim of domestic violence more in comparision to male students. The Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (MoEST) directed municipal governments to reopen the schools at their own discreation with proper health and safety measures but it seems very risky at the movement which is exacerbating already established gender disparies more. Online education seems almost impossible in remote areas' schools resulting more drop outs in next couple of years. In fact, schools do not have the ICT infrastructures even radio access in some parts of areas. Local governments found very little GESI responsive education emergency plans in place but waiting the direction of central government. Further, gender disaggregated data caused by COVID-19, it is almost impossible to get from local municipal units. The IEMIS data also has not been updated by many schools and municipal units because of COVID-19 lockdown.
Similarly, based on the endline survey (REED: 2021), the preparation of marriage especially for the girl's children from parents in many communities indicates that they are still at the risk of school drop outs. The major reasons found: the fear of COVID (81.1%) to be irregular at school, partial lockdown imposed by the local government, inconsistency of school reopening and closure, COVID-19 infection to teachers and students. Some girls (1.2%) still are not using masks because of their availability cum affordability/ access. 97% targeted children develop the habit of listening the radio lessons regularly either at home, school or public places but the continuation of radio programs seem a high priority to sustain the achievments of project as said by the parents of children .55.6% and 53.7 % girls reported the cases of SGBV in schools but still relucted to report openly. It indicates that they hide the issues because of lacking the established reporting mechanism in schools and fear of social stigma.
Achievements/good practices: It was expected that "Girls attain life and academic skills by gender responsive radio education and secure educational opportunity" which has been achieved successfully from project initiatives. 100% of girls/boys from targeted group reenrolled/no drop outs during endline survey. 98% of girls/boys from monitoring group passed the proficiency test/post tests.100 % of girls/boys from monitoring group attained life skills: targetted children (9 girls and 1 boy) from every 60 school are continuing their education. None of them left the school till end line survey time.
Establishing benchmark through baseline/pre-test directed all the activities towards project goals and endline/post-test justified the authenticity of success. Girls’ empowerment through Gender responsive academic lessons enhanced the learning achievement in technical/SM subjects and boosted their self esteem to choose these subjects as favourite one in class. Girls’ empowerment through "Life Skills Lessons" helped to reduce the drop outs (0% drop outs during QIP project period) and reenrol all children in schools. This approach enpowered the girls to cope with possible life challenges and continue the opportunities of learning. Student to student approach (Talent Hunt Activities) became powerful approach in overall. All students of schools engaged and no drop out rate of monitoring group girls/boys during project period.
Talent hunt activities boosted the leadership skills of children/girls after applying life skills practically in close mentorship of GESI focal teachers and field officers. Capacity Building and Coordination with Stakeholders (Local Government Representatives, Head Teachers, GESI Focal Teachers, Parents, SMC/PTA, Social Welfare Counsil, Curriculum Development Committee, and Ministry of Education supported to create the conducive environment in project success. Alignment of policy with practical activities enriched the learning of students too. It helped to implement the project initiatives successfully despite COVID-19 movement restrictions.
National Level Essay Competition, Prize and Talent Hunt Activities motivated all students, teachers and parents to listen the radio lessons and practice them in daily lives resulted meaningul participation in every initiative of QIP.GESI guideline, joint monitoring, MPAC meeting, frequent communication with local government representatives helped to allocate the budget from local government for GESI initiatives in RM/UM level and créate the conducive GESI environment in schools. Frequent online/onsite mentoring cum monitoring from field and central staff motivated the stakeholders to make conscious and accountable towards project goals.Regular feedback via SMS and incorporation of students' voices in main lessons made their voices are heard. The drama and diological radio lessons on trafficking, domestic violence, child labour, Chhaupadi, and early child marriage changed the mind set of the local stakeholder along with creating motivation to discuss on SGBV issues openly.
The training on self defense/SGBV to the children triggered the children to speak up on SGBV issues. Short dramas/videos aware the villagers against untouchability and its legal consequences. After working in the monitoring group together, boys’ attitude towards girls changed and started to repsect the girls and stoped bullying to their friends. Reading habit and parents' support has been increased despite SGBV at home of children. The empowerment of monitoring group children through the GESI responsive life skills lessons, and hosting talent hunt activities prepared them to appeal with local government to allocate the GESI responsive budgeting.The invovlement of children in extra-curricular activities/talent hunt activities built up the leadership of girls and explore their hidden potentials. The GESI orientation to the teachers has transformed in to GESI responsive pedagogical activities at schools.The parents’ involvement in listening life-skill lessons continued their childen to send in schools with the dismissal of early marriage of respective children which further stoped the posible school drop outs.The dialogical and dramatized radio lessons on technical subjects: Maths, Science and ICT motivated the children to take them as interesting subjects. Regular review meeting among the monitoring group children inspired them to listen the radio regularly and performed the talent hunt activities at schools, and eased to get the support from teachers. The guidance of field officers/GESI focal teachers lead them to start the piggy bank at home with the development of saving habits among them.
Teachers initiated to teach the children adopting alternative approaches of education.All QIP schools contributed for talent hunt activities (at least 2 from each school) conduction. Maths, Science, Social Studies teachers contributed their time for worksheet completion and regular radio listening from all students of schools. Nepali teachers and principals from all schools contributed/collaborated to conduct, evaluate, shortlist the "Essay Contest" participants after being sensitized from radio lessons and mentoring from Field Officers/GESI Focal teachers. All schools prepared and kept the "GESI Message Flex Print and COVID Flex Print" in their own investment in the school premises after being sensitized from Radio Lessons and Mentoring from Field Officers.
Goggling the website initiated to study the foreign languages too, i.e. Korean language from students. Mobile messaging has been initiated from the parents of different districts. Group based learning initiated in different districts after the coaching and mentoring from media to students. Girls used to sit together and listen the radio lessons and discuss each other. The activity built up the team for learning and sharing culture among boys and girls.
Parents started to keep the reading timetable for children at their homes, and became aware on the importance of girls' education after regular radio listening. They have been sensitized on mobile literacy, child labor, domestic violence, girls' education, early marriage from students to student's approaches. They have realized the consequences of forced marriage, early pregnancy and dowry system. SGBV issues have been also sensitized among the stakeholders. Parents started to come into schools activities upon the request of schools after parenting education. Appreciation of parents towards "Radio Lessons" found praiseworthy. After listening radio lessons and mentoring from Field Officers, parents initiated to allocate the reading space and time to girls/monitoring groups. As they said, radio lessons are very useful to solve the academic queries of students; they are linked to the curricular objectives; they are helpful to pass the exams and relevant to daily life activities too. Teachers sensitized via child friendly approaches of radio lessons. Teachers initiated to teach the children adopting alternative approaches of education.
Success/impact stories
QIP brought some systemic changes in my school
Kalyan Kafle, Student, Siddhababa SS, Sindhuli
"As a member of monitoring group, I have seen some positive changes in me, in my school as well as in my family. There was no provision of monitoring group before QIP project in my school. Soon after, there became a provision of GESI focal teacher and monitoring group. One day orientation changed me a lot to adopt the GESI lens into school ECA and talent hunt activities. All the programs were focussed for the empowerment of all girls and few boys too. QIP provided us radios, worksheets, bags and many hand washing materials. There were altogether 144 lessons including 72 life skill lessons which are useful in daily life and 72 SM lessons which were related with our school curriculum. We realized that radio contents on early marriage, school dropouts, untouchability, girls trafficking, bullying, etc. into our talent hunt activities inflame to all students and stakeholders to realize the gaps from GESI lens. Male teachers of our school also found positive towards students after QIP. The radio lesson with curricular objectives made us and our teachers to be connected with lessons. The support materials in pen drives helped us who could not listen because of radio tower and domestic problems. During interval time and leisure period, we practiced the group listening .The worksheet based on radio lesson added value to monitor our understanding. We tried to promote equal participation of girls and boys in speech, essays, dance, dramas, sports, arts, etc.
Due to COVID– 19 lockdown and movement restrictions, there were some works which cannot be held in our school. Complaint box was kept and we started to use in our school after the QIP project. For green school environment, our monitoring group conducted plantation program in the school premises. Our group went to community to aware the people on digital mobile literacy like messaging and making phone calls to illiterate people. Our group initiated to keep piggy bank/khutruke at our own initiation. It helped us to sensitize the saving concept from now. Our monitoring group organized radio lesson review meeting in every 7 days. We opined the lesson and shared to each other.The one day orientation to the parents helped us to manage the reading space and times at our homes. REED staffs (Shova Shrestha) visit and support motivated us to do our work. Our head teacher also motivated us to listen radio classes.The Municipality Education Officer (Dr. Hari Lamsal) and Mayor came to our school to see the changes on us and appreciated the work done by monitoring group. The national level essay competition encouraged to all of us students to listen radio and develop the feeling of competition to get the award from there.To change the attitude or stereotyping thoughts of people, the project duration should be continued. And, this project should be established in all schools of our municipality. Finally, I would like to thank JICA\IC Net and REED NEPAL for this opportunity."