Q. What one thing would you definitely put in your bucket list?
A. Travel the world.
Q. If you could trade lives with someone for a day, who would it be and why?
A. Oprah Winfrey! I want to know how is it to live as the “Queen of All Media” and be the most influential woman in the world.
Q. If you could get anything, what would you get?
A. A store for my brand “Mero Nana Nepal ”.
Q. When I dance, I look like…?
A. The happiest person on earth.
Q. What’s the coolest thing you remember learning, and how did you learn it?
A. To be able to run and dance on heels! All the influences came from Beyoncé’s “Single Ladies”.
Q. What’s the first trend you remember loving?
A. Comeback of high-waisted jeans! Such a game changer.
Q. What job would you least want to have?
A. Anything 9-5.
Q. If you could only watch one movie for the rest of your life, what would it be, and why?
A. Beauty and the Beast. Because this movie teaches us that it’s okay to be different and that we should love someone for who they are, not for their appearance.
Q. If you had three songs to represent your life and personality, which ones would you select?
A. Beyoncé’s “Single Ladies”, Justin Bieber’s “Life is Worth Living”, and Wiz Khalifa’s “Work Hard Play Hard”.