1) What are the two things you love about being a vlogger?
Ability to capture beautiful memories with my loved ones that I can always come back to relive. Second is being able to show my fans the raw side of me to connect with them more.
2) What is your pet peeve?
People who procrastinate. Everyone is entitled to it. However, it grinds my gears when their procrastination gets in the way of me getting my work done on time. I like to do my work first and then relax.
3) A Nepali celebrity you admire, and why?
I loved the old days when Hari Bamsha-Madan Shrestha duo was untouchable. Every skit they put together had a beautiful life lesson.
4) Your favorite getaway?
A quiet place devoid of city noise but where the nature’s sound is loud enough to wake me up from my sleep. If I have to name one, that would be Pokhara.
5) What are the three things that are important for a good video?
Originality, a video that evokes humor, and at the same time portrays the seriousness of the subject at hand.
6) Most special thing a fan has ever done for you?
A sweet guy at my meet-and-greet in Kathmandu had made me and my loved ones Soltisquad t-shirts with our names on the back of them. I still wear that t-shirt.
8) What is the craziest thing a fan has done for you?
During my meet-and-greet in Kathmandu, a fan from Butwal made plans with her friends to come all the way from Butwal to meet me despite the fact that her parents were against it and she might have gotten into trouble at school. So much love!
7) How do you deal with negativity on social media?
By ignoring it. I’m pretty good at it. Only opinions of your loved ones should matter. I welcome positive vibes from everyone. I tend to stay away from negativity.
9) Who would make it to your dream team?
I think I thrive when I do things alone. Although I love collaborations and working with others, I am a loner in certain things. YouTubing is one of them.
10) What would be your superpower?
I don’t know what people will think but majority of gut instincts I have of new people I come across is true. I’m 99 percent of the time accurate about being able to tell how he/she is doing.