Quick questions with Salon Basnet

     Q. What is an opinion you hold that most people would dis­agree with?

A. The only thing you should care about is yourself.

Q. What do you like the most about your fans?

A. Love and support that they give in every step of my journey.

Q. If you had only one day left to live, what would you do?

A. I would organize a big party and invite EVERYONE.

Q. Your alternate career choice?

A. A singer.

Q. Did you always want to be an actor?

A. During my teenage years, I thought I would become a rockstar. Never had I ever imagined working in the film industry. But now I love it!

Q. Which actress would you like to work opposite?

A. Swastima Khadka, again.

Q. Your best and worst pur­chase?

A. Best purchase: Every building material I purchased to make my house. Worst purchase: The Bluetooth mic I bought online.

Q. What would you like to say to aspiring actors?

A. Work hard and have patience. Entering movie industry is not as easy as it seems but it will be worth it!

Q. Are you someone who likes to live in a happening city or its quiet outskirts?

A. I mostly like living in a city. It also depends on my mood though.