Quick questions with Elena Gurung

Q. What is something that is important to you that you never really get to talk about?

A. My family.

Q. A quote you live by?

A. “Only the wearer knows where the shoe pinches”.

Q. Something your fans wouldn’t believe about you?

A. I study hard when my exam approaches.

Q. If one of your wishes were to be granted, what would it be?

A. Better life for my family.

5. What’s the best part of your day?

A. Waking up to my little broth­er’s sound and halla.

6. If you could be anything, what would you be?

A. What I am right now.

7. Your favorite getaway?

A. For now home because I have been so busy lately and have not been able to spend time at home.

8. What would you like to make a video about next?

A. Skinny friends complaining about weight gain.

9. What is one outfit you can­not go wrong with?

A. Baggy t-shirt and jeans.

10. If you could have coffee with a Nepali celebrity, who would it be?

A. Aryan Sigdel, since he is receiving a lot of hate com­ments over his wife’s pregnan­cy photos and I do not like it.