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She makes your fantasy come to life

She makes your fantasy come to life

Anisha Sharma Regmi, 27, is one of the most creative makeup artists in the country. Regmi, who trained in Bangkok, is the owner of the Aesthete Makeup Acad­emy and Studio. But she is better known for starting the culture of fantasy makeup in Nepal. Fantasy, highly dra­matic, or character make­ups are used for thematic photoshoots and other cinematic and theatrical purposes. The type of fantasy makeup also depends on where the model will be seen. Stage per­formers often use oil-based products that can with­stand hot lights. Watercolor makeup works best for photography sessions, TV and films because this type of makeup typi­cally comes in bold colors and creates clean lines that translate well on camera and on the big screen.

You must have seen plenty of fantasy makeup. Some of our best TV shows and movies such as the Star Wars, Star Trek, Guardians of the Galaxy, Planet of the Apes, X-Men and Harry Potter have used fantasy makeups to create unique characters in line with their out-of-the-world stories and cutting edge VFX sequences.

While ordinary makeup materials like eye-shadows, lipsticks and blushes can be used for fantasy makeup as well, most fantasy designs are created using vivid long-lasting products that are expensive and high in quality. Many items are needed, with the total cost building up to Rs 45,000 for a single look. As the price is high, the demand for fantasy makeup in the Nepali film industry has not increased much. But with the production cost of Nepali movies get­ting bigger, it is only a matter of time before it will need at least some fantasy makeup artists.

“Fantasy makeup is not about blending in but about standing out,” says Regmi. It creates an experience where the wearers pretend to be whichever character they desire—whether it’s a mermaid, a witch, an insect, a musical instrument or even a furry animal. “It is like painting on canvas. We paint faces and we create our own rules. Sky’s the limit when you’re going for fan­tasy makeup.”

Regmi wanted to learn fantasy makeup because she thinks it provides great artistic freedom. “You have the power to totally transform an indi­vidual, often into some­thing unrecognizable,” she adds. And it is this trans­formational quality of fantasy makeup that still keeps her motivated.

Her Aesthete Makeup Academy also runs classes for upcoming makeup artists to learn fantasy makeup. “Initially, it is intimidating for a newbie to imagine turning someone’s face into an artistic masterpiece, but with practice and focus, you may be surprised at what fantastic looks you can create,” she says.
