TFN honors corporate partners

Teach For Nepal (TFN), a move­ment to address education inequality in Nepal, hosted a dinner event this week to acknowl­edge the banks and corporations supporting the cause. Anil Keshary Shah, TFN's Leadership council member and Nabil Bank's CEO, host­ed the event. In attendance were over 100 CEOs and executives. Also present were TFN leadership council members Rameshwor Khanal, Jagdish Bhatta­rai, Rajan Shrestha and Chairperson Reshu Aryal Dhungana. Chairing the event was Education Minister Giriraj Mani Pokharel.

TFN fellows are outstanding uni­versity graduates and young profes­sionals chosen through a highly com­petitive process. They go through an intensive residential training fol­lowed by two years of teaching fel­lowship in rural public schools. “The support of various banks and cor­porations is not only helping Teach For Nepal support students in rural Nepal. It is also helping create great citizens who will take a human-cen­tered approach to the challenges we face as a country,” said Shah.