A misguided monarch plots his own downfall

‘Andheri Nagari Chaupat Raja’, a drama produced by CAP motion Pictures & Kalaasi Production, which had previously been making movies and music videos, is being staged at Kunja Theater till May 11. The show time is 5:30 pm every day of the week except Wednesday. There is an extra show on Saturday at 1 pm. ‘Andheri Nagari Chaupat Raja’ is one of the most pop­ular dramas of Bhartendu Harishchandra, the father of modern Hindi literature. Directors Sangeet Sapkota and Ashish Ghimire have adapted the drama to local taste. The play is a satire on an unscru­pulous and autocratic mon­arch and reveals how a ruler’s misguided actions can lead to his downfall. “This drama is a reflection of the society we live in,” say the director duo.


The drama’s music is directed by Sangit Sap­kota and Monish Niroula. The cast includes Jiban Bhatta­rai, Shravan Singh Rana, San­jeet Pratap Malla and Peter Prince. APEX BUREAU