Making the Nepali ‘throne’ comfortable

The ‘throne’ is the best seat in the house. What more would one want if that throne can be adorned with a warm, water­proof and durable cushion? ‘Toilet Chakati’ is a unique product for Nepal, a concept already in exis­tence in Western countries but newly introduced in Nepal by two young entrepreneurs. Ratish Basnyat (26) and Suresh Maharjan (29), producers and distributors of Toilet Chakati in Nepal, jointly own the Knit Nepa Handicraft. Their product is simple and cheap but very useful considering factors like hygiene, convenience and portability. Made of waterproof material with a cushion inside, Toilet Chakati can be easily installed in—and detached from— most toilet seats. “It is particularly useful for women, children, elderly and people who have to share toi­lets,’’ says Maharjan. “The idea behind it is that you can personal­ize your toilet seat to make it more comfortable and cleaner.”

Basnyat, an MBA graduate from the UK, brought the idea home and shared it with Maharjan, who was already involved in manufacturing hand-knit products. “I saw similar products in the UK and thought we could introduce something like those in the Nepali market,” Basnyat says. “And given the price and the quality we offered, we got a great response from the market, includ­ing bulk orders from the US and the UK.”

Priced between Rs 300 and Rs 400 and with a nominal addi­tional charge for home delivery, the Toilet Chakati is one product that is poised to become ‘hot cakes’ in the Nepali market. Despite hum­ble beginnings, the entrepreneurs see a bright future for their product as they look to bring more innova­tive products to Nepal and increase their investments.