Deconstructing flawed gender norms in fairy tales
On a fine Sunday morning, as I sat braiding the hair of my five-year-old sister, she looked up at me with big, hopeful eyes and asked if I could give her a makeover to make her look as beautiful as Cinderella. I asked: Why? Still a cute little baby, she said: “So that I could find a prince who will make me a queen.”
This seemingly witty response of my sister made me ponder upon how these fairy tales have been shaping highly flawed and toxic gender norms and standards for beauty even in today’s society. That a woman’s goal is only to be “accepted” by a man, as someone who cannot ever stand on her own. She is in a perpetual struggle for the mercy of a man—somebody must take control of her. In fact, she has been learning so much before she would start her formal education, which hardly enables young brains like hers to question any such conventional norms.
As a child, anyone would be captivated by the story of a young Cinderella who overcomes difficulty and finds her prince and lives happily ever after. Every child, even in today’s modern society, does yearn for his or her own fairytale ending, just like Cinderella’s. But as one grows up and gains a deeper understanding of the surrounding, one starts questioning the underlying messages embedded within Cinderella’s story — only if the education system develops in them a faculty for critical thinking. The realization that Cinderella is a narrative that conserves the notion that a woman’s identity is shaped solely by societal expectations and the acceptance of a man. It fails to embrace the concept of female independence and empowerment.
For real empowerment, there is a need for instilling a thought in our young generation to discern the inconsistencies that exist within Cinderella’s story. Why did Cinderella feel the need to adapt and change herself to fit into those stunning glass slippers? Why was her worth so closely tied to a prince’s recognition and validation? These questions should also be naturally popped up among growing young minds, in order to prompt a deep introspection and a desire to challenge the limiting beliefs imposed upon women.
One aspect that troubles child psychologists is Cinderella’s physical transformation, which plays a key role in her story. It emphasizes the significance placed on external beauty and continues to nurture the harmful notion that a woman’s worth is determined solely by her physical appearance. This narrative supports society’s pressures to adhere to narrow beauty standards, hindering the worth of a woman’s inherent value beyond her looks. It is high time we beat these restrictions and let both boys and girls embrace their true identities.
Cinderella’s story propagated the belief that a woman’s happiness and fulfillment revolve solely around finding a prince to save her. However, authentic relationships are built on mutual respect, equality, and the acceptance of one another’s true selves. Let a free mind of the 21st century, of whatever sex or gender, seek partnerships that celebrate their individuality, cherishing themselves for who they are rather than who they are expected to be. The flawed fairy tales should be deconstructed to let our new generation no longer wait for someone to hand them the key to their dreams. Instead, we should take charge of our own destiny. True empowerment originates from within—it comes from believing in our own abilities and trusting our intuition.
We, as women, are the authors of our own stories. We possess the capability to achieve greatness and create our own happily ever after on our own terms. So, let us free ourselves from the confines of Cinderella’s story and rewrite our own narratives that celebrate our strength, resilience and unwavering independence.
How can we cool off Planet Earth?
Strolling through the streets of Kathmandu, I observe a myriad people with sweat trickling down their foreheads and their deepening discontent over rising temperatures. Of late, I have often come across social media posts where people are pleading to the sun to be gentler and more considerate. These posts make me wonder if we have been equally considerate toward Planet Earth. The heat scorching the Kathmandu Valley takes me back to the valley's cool and pleasant climate. The irony of our changing climate becomes apparent as we seek comfort in air-conditioned rooms and quench our thirst with chilled water from the refrigerator while cursing the heat. Little do we realize that the heat we are experiencing is an obvious consequence of our own actions, and it is time to face the consequences. As our actions release greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere, these gasses accumulate and trap the sun’s warmth hindering their reflection back into space, resulting in a hotter world. Every simple choice we make has a profound impact on the environment. While walking through the busy streets of Kathmandu, I have witnessed people seeking convenience with ride-sharing services even for short distances rather than opting for a walk and individuals favoring imported food from distant places over locally-sourced alternatives. Add to it scores of people driving their vehicles singly, while expressing discontent over the prevailing heat. Inside bustling malls, I often encounter people opting for elevators and complaining about the heat indoors; all the while, the long staircase stands as a poignant symbol of irony. In our daily lives, it is the seemingly insignificant actions that have a profound impact. Take, for instance, the act of wasting food, relying on disposable plastic bags and cups, using dirty energy sources for cooking, relying excessively on air-conditioners, and recklessly leaving switches on when not in use. Together, these ‘small’ acts contribute to a growing climate crisis, just like numerous drops of water make a huge water body like the sea. The valley is no more like it once was. The relentless pursuit of urban development has led to the removal of countless trees, while once green spaces have become part of an ever-expanding concrete jungle, thanks to human acts. As a result, the cooling effect of nature has diminished significantly. In our relentless pursuit of big endeavors, we have completely overlooked the significant impact of our individual carbon footprints. Nevertheless, there’s always a ray of optimism. The power to reverse this trajectory is in our hands. For this, we have to acknowledge our role in climate change first. Choosing sustainable transportation options (3Bs-Boots, Bikes, and Buses) or carpooling can reduce emissions from individual vehicles. Embracing energy-efficient practices such as using energy-saving appliances, turning the electricity off when leaving a room, and choosing stairs instead of elevators can make a substantial difference. Not wasting food, prioritizing local products to minimize food-transportation costs, carrying our own bottles and cups, minimizing water usage for purposes other than drinking, and adopting the 3Rs (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) for waste management are some of the measures we can take to mitigate climate change. Additionally, preserving and restoring green spaces in Kathmandu is essential to retrieve its lost coolness. The time to act is now for the sake of present and future generations. By taking responsibility for our actions, we can reclaim the coolness of our beloved city and ensure a more livable environment for all. Together, let’s make the change happen—for Kathmandu, for ourselves, and for our planet.